August 2023 event week: Mythology [CLOSED]

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Welcome to the August 2023 event week!

This event week will be held starting on August 4th and ending on August 10th.

Credits to Manwa/Manhwa7878 for helping me get the idea for this event week. (Thank her on chat)

How to participate:

1. Set your pfp as any god or goddess from greek, norse, roman, and other existing mythologies, or a mythical creature such as a dwarf, fairy, unicorn, etc will do as well.

2. You can be any of the above types of people or things you want, as long as you don't clone someone else's pfp. You may also use multiple gods or creatures too, for those who have trouble keeping a pfp up!

3. Make sure you keep your pfp up for the whole event duration, as it will entitle you to a chance at the gift randomizer on August 11th!

4. Put that you are participating and with what mythical god/creature either on this thread's comments area below, or in the comments area of the corresponding news post on kc.

Your reward for participating is Gold this time!

On August 11th, you will get a chance to win 1000 gold if you fully participated in the event week, given from me to you! I will select 3-5 random event week participants(Depending on amount of participating users) using the randomizer wheel like last time, and the 3-5 people that the wheel lands on, will receive a 1000 gold!!

The randomizer wheel will take place LIVE on chat around the afternoon time (EST) when most people are online.


If you need help finding a mythical god/creature for the event week, or any further questions regarding the event week; you may pm myself on chat for further help, or one of our mods. No guarantees that the suggestions we choose for you will be someone or something you like, although.

September's event week will be about Persona, a video game event suggested by our mod Wave. So, we are hoping you're looking forward to that and more events to come in the set schedule! Have fun! :>
Welcome to the August 2023 event week!

This event week will be held starting on August 4th and ending on August 10th.

Credits to Manwa/Manhwa7878 for helping me get the idea for this event week. (Thank her on chat)

How to participate:

1. Set your pfp as any god or goddess from greek, norse, roman, and other existing mythologies, or a mythical creature such as a dwarf, fairy, unicorn, etc will do as well.

2. You can be any of the above types of people or things you want, as long as you don't clone someone else's pfp. You may also use multiple gods or creatures too, for those who have trouble keeping a pfp up!

3. Make sure you keep your pfp up for the whole event duration, as it will entitle you to a chance at the gift randomizer on August 11th!

4. Put that you are participating and with what mythical god/creature either on this thread's comments area below, or in the comments area of the corresponding news post on kc.

Your reward for participating is Gold this time!

On August 11th, you will get a chance to win 1000 gold if you fully participated in the event week, given from me to you! I will select 3-5 random event week participants(Depending on amount of participating users) using the randomizer wheel like last time, and the 3-5 people that the wheel lands on, will receive a 1000 gold!!

The randomizer wheel will take place LIVE on chat around the afternoon time (EST) when most people are online.


If you need help finding a mythical god/creature for the event week, or any further questions regarding the event week; you may pm myself on chat for further help, or one of our mods. No guarantees that the suggestions we choose for you will be someone or something you like, although.

September's event week will be about Persona, a video game event suggested by our mod Wave. So, we are hoping you're looking forward to that and more events to come in the set schedule! Have fun! :>
Im going to be Frigg wife of Odinn godess of wisdōm and powerful witch ^_^
Brunhilde, Hades & Loki
Welcome to the August 2023 event week!

This event week will be held starting on August 4th and ending on August 10th.

Credits to Manwa/Manhwa7878 for helping me get the idea for this event week. (Thank her on chat)

How to participate:

1. Set your pfp as any god or goddess from greek, norse, roman, and other existing mythologies, or a mythical creature such as a dwarf, fairy, unicorn, etc will do as well.

2. You can be any of the above types of people or things you want, as long as you don't clone someone else's pfp. You may also use multiple gods or creatures too, for those who have trouble keeping a pfp up!

3. Make sure you keep your pfp up for the whole event duration, as it will entitle you to a chance at the gift randomizer on August 11th!

4. Put that you are participating and with what mythical god/creature either on this thread's comments area below, or in the comments area of the corresponding news post on kc.

Your reward for participating is Gold this time!

On August 11th, you will get a chance to win 1000 gold if you fully participated in the event week, given from me to you! I will select 3-5 random event week participants(Depending on amount of participating users) using the randomizer wheel like last time, and the 3-5 people that the wheel lands on, will receive a 1000 gold!!

The randomizer wheel will take place LIVE on chat around the afternoon time (EST) when most people are online.


If you need help finding a mythical god/creature for the event week, or any further questions regarding the event week; you may pm myself on chat for further help, or one of our mods. No guarantees that the suggestions we choose for you will be someone or something you like, although.

September's event week will be about Persona, a video game event suggested by our mod Wave. So, we are hoping you're looking forward to that and more events to come in the set schedule! Have fun! :>
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Welcome to the August 2023 event week!

This event week will be held starting on August 4th and ending on August 10th.

Credits to Manwa/Manhwa7878 for helping me get the idea for this event week. (Thank her on chat)

How to participate:

1. Set your pfp as any god or goddess from greek, norse, roman, and other existing mythologies, or a mythical creature such as a dwarf, fairy, unicorn, etc will do as well.

2. You can be any of the above types of people or things you want, as long as you don't clone someone else's pfp. You may also use multiple gods or creatures too, for those who have trouble keeping a pfp up!

3. Make sure you keep your pfp up for the whole event duration, as it will entitle you to a chance at the gift randomizer on August 11th!

4. Put that you are participating and with what mythical god/creature either on this thread's comments area below, or in the comments area of the corresponding news post on kc.

Your reward for participating is Gold this time!

On August 11th, you will get a chance to win 1000 gold if you fully participated in the event week, given from me to you! I will select 3-5 random event week participants(Depending on amount of participating users) using the randomizer wheel like last time, and the 3-5 people that the wheel lands on, will receive a 1000 gold!!

The randomizer wheel will take place LIVE on chat around the afternoon time (EST) when most people are online.


If you need help finding a mythical god/creature for the event week, or any further questions regarding the event week; you may pm myself on chat for further help, or one of our mods. No guarantees that the suggestions we choose for you will be someone or something you like, although.

September's event week will be about Persona, a video game event suggested by our mod Wave. So, we are hoping you're looking forward to that and more events to come in the set schedule! Have fun! :>
The winners of this event week gift randomizer are:

1. Ava adore
2. Lily
3. King Lucifer
4. Liffy
5. Charchar_m0nke
6. Butterfliez

Thread will now be closed since the event has now offically come to a close. See you all for the September event! <3
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