Drama thread

Alhough I have to admit, animal cruelty is a real issue. Do you know what is done to the male offspring of chickens during the Chick Culling process? They are deemed 'useless' as they are not useful for egg production and unsuitable for meat production as well. What happens to them then? They are macerated (ground into bits) or gassed with carbon dioxide without any compassion. They are living beings very much like ourselves. Imagine human babies being suffocated. Imagine human babies being ground to bloody bits. Imagine human children watching each other being ground not long before they are ground.....
It is happening every day at abortion clinics nationwide.
that is where you are wrong Arkham, fetuses are not human babies, they are fetuses and most abortions happen in the stage where the fetus is just a clump of cells. “Pro-lifers” as they call themselves like to say that abortions always happen in the latest week you can get a abortion but that is not true. Most people get abortions in the first trimester of development but sometimes a late abortion is needed if there is a risk of death/miscarriage for the mother. the more you know👍