How many kicks did you receive on your current account in the chat...?

Hello my dear fellows,
Lol it's been some ample time since I last posted a thread on the forums. Anyway, feel free to ignore this thread if you are uncomfortable with this thread. If you want to respond, the question lies in the title of this thread.
Your Amused Peer,
Hello my dear fellows,
Lol it's been some ample time since I last posted a thread on the forums. Anyway, feel free to ignore this thread if you are uncomfortable with this thread. If you want to respond, the question lies in the title of this thread.
Your Amused Peer,
Like one I think, had a jschlatt picture saying “I love gay…” you can figure out the rest LMAO
1 kick (10 minutes) and it was given by alecisback which was false
So I'll state what actually happened
I was in music room and some of the users attacked a room their users were like callmeblarrson, callmeclarrson, clare or many more. There were 9 or 10 friends. They told me to exit the room. So i refused cause it wasn't their room like why tf would i exit then they started harassing me i kept reporting them but that dumbass alecisback didn't kick them because they were his friend and he kicked me while i didn't do anything. I asked him reason he said that "they were my friends" so what mods are supposed to be fair they can't save their friends. I'm happy that the idiot mod got demoded