I was unfairly banned


New member
I am a guy who abides by the rules I do not stray from them so uh anyways I was minding my own business chatting when a girl asked if there were any sites we knew of that is good for chatting so I said I knew one called chatogo to answer her question anyways then I got banned and guess who reported me the girl who asked the question I was utterly confused until I read the rule about advertising but I wasn't even advertising the website only saying a site I knew I am utterly confused why I was banned plz expound to me on why and if I did do something wrong my uttermost apologies I never knew or was trying to do anything wrong by the way my username is benji on chat
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Plz unban me arkham if I did something wrong my sincerest apologies my mistake then but if not then why'd I get banned I didn't do any of the following when u report someone on something I am so confused bout all this I have a ton of friends on there I don't want them to have a bad picture of me now do I? I was banned for no reason my opinion