Kicked and banned


New member
Hello sir, I'm darlington and 16 years. The reason I'm here is got banned just because I said 21 and reason given to me was overage, the username is darling. So I have to create another account the username is darlingxfar now I always get kicked and I'm tired of itScreenshot_20211018-193912.png
You said you are 21 and expect to be allowed to bypass your ban? When you saw you were banned your response was: oh I should make a new account and go back. Sigh.

As I said when I kicked you, you have to prove your age to the admin. Don't post anything here, do it privately via the forums and don't use the site till you are possibly unbanned. You can contact him by clicking on "Start conversation" on his profile @Kevin

Edit: by "don't post anything" I meant any documents or personal info. Do it in pms