recovering transphobe needs advice

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2010
  • Start date

Deleted member 2010

tl;dr: Recovering transphobe needs support. Wanting to hear from trans or enby people.

Working on becoming a better ally to trans/enby people and accepting myself as a GNC queer person.

Someone who never accepted me drove me back in the closet. They brainwashed me with propaganda & I began to believe it. I got deeper into transphobic ideology. I learned to dehumanize trans people and I would deny their existence cause I hated my relationship with gender.

I have been researching transgender history & trans healthcare and watching transgender, gnc or enby content creators. I am learning to be myself so I can be happy.

I'm in recovery and part of improving is reflecting on what went wrong. I learned hatred comes from unhappiness with who you are or lack of education. The takeaway is anyone can go down the pathway I did but not everyone can pull themselves out of it.

Special request: Old threads I have be deleted cause they were spreading misinformation, used dated terminology and promoting transmedicalism.

Thanks for the support,
Conversion therapy never healed me. I cannot be "cured" because there wasn't anything to fix. Repressing how I felt only led to hurt.