A guide to the LGBTQ+


Veteran mod
After a discussion in main, I have decided to make this thread. Any contributions are welcome to go into more percific details about the mentioned or something new. Any amendments I need do message me, I want this to be accurate :)

Gener identity

Gener identity is how someone presents in society, three are widely recognised in society with more becoming relavent as more people explore their identity.


You you won't know what this means if you're new to the community but cisgender means same gender as born as. This is your male/female at birth, XX/XY chromosome people that are comfortable with their identity.


These are people who don't feel comfortable in their genders at birth and decide they feel more comfortable as the other gender. They will take a form of hormone replacement therapy to help them transition with other physical methods of doing so like wearing a binder (ftm) or top+bottom surgery (both)


These people are in the middle of male-female if you view it like a spectrum, they don't feel comforable as either traditionally.

I won't cover anything else that falls under this in the bulk as I would be here all day so if anything pops up I'll add it.


This is who you love, this can be based on the gender of the person or not. There are multiple different sexualities so I'll cover the 4 most people will come across in their lives.


This is someone who loves the opposite gender, literally that's the meaning in Latin or something. You might know this as straight.


These are people who love the same gender they present as, literally that's the meaning in Latin or something. You might know these people as gay/lesbian. Lesbians are female homosexuals (Google) while gay means all homosexuals.


These are people that love both, the same gender they present as and the opposite gender. Guess what? It means that in Latin too. Not everyone that is bi uses this definition as some define it as attracted two or more genders. This is shortened to bi frequently.
These people might have a preference too, this is called Omni not everyone that is bi is Omni.


These are people that love those that see past gender when falling in love. I don't know if it translates to Latin the same but I do know it isn't people that love pots and pans... . This is shortened to pan.
These people might be on a spectrum with a preference, this is called Omni not everyone that is pan is Omni.


Abrosexual is a term to describe people who frequently have changing sexualities. Everyone is different, some only flux between a few sexualities, some flux between all. It’s based on what we’re feeling or what our environment is like. For me I personally change depending on if I have any crushes at the moment. I flux between aro, pan, bi, lesbian, and questioning. Abroromantic is also under the abro umbrella. It’s just basically having a fluid romantic attraction rather then a sexual attraction.

Anything else that sits in this description I won't cover in the bulk as I would be here all day, again so I'll add anything that pops up.
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My personal experience with abrosexual

So, a while back I was scrolling through tiktok and I came across this video that fully explained what abrosexual was (fluid sexuality, mostly depending on what you’re feeling or who you like) and I thought to myself “Wow, I really identify with this. Am I abrosexual-??”. After a few days of questioning and research, I found I was indeed having a fluid sexuality. I was very happy to find out something I can fully validate as, but also a little disappointed that it’s not as widely known and never really talked about. Most people’s mindset nowadays is that “if I’ve never heard of it, it doesn’t exist”. I had people tell me I was just pansexual, or spicy-straight. It was really discouraging at first for me. I mean, I was just happy that I found something I can have pride in. While it still sometimes bugs me when people invalidate me, I try to educate people instead of focusing on the negative things they say. And with that, we’ll move on to my definition of abrosexual.
Abrosexual- What’s that??
Abrosexual is a term to describe people who frequently have changing sexualities. Everyone is different, some only flux between a few sexualities, some flux between all. We don’t randomly pick what sexuality we’re going to be that day or week, it’s based on what we’re feeling or what our environment is like. No, we’re not attracted to bros. For me I personally change depending on if I have any crushes at the moment. I flux between aro, pan, bi, lesbian, and questioning. Abroromantic is also under the abro umbrella. It’s just basically having a fluid romantic attraction rather then a sexual attraction.
I hope you learned something lol.
These are people that love both, the same gender they present as and the opposite gender. Guess what? It means that in Latin too. These people might have a preference too, this is called Omni.
If I may add to this- Some people define bi slightly differently (I'm not saying you're wrong). The definition I know it as is 'People that can love two or more genders. This is similar to pansexual, which is people that can be attracted to people regardless to their gender, without preferences.

On to my next point. You said
These people might have a preference too, this is called Omni.
Of course, you did then say the same for pan, and from the definitions I know best, Omni is sort of pan but with a preference. Not bi. That's fine though.
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If I may add to this- Some people define bi slightly differently (I'm not saying you're wrong). The definition I know it as is 'People that can love two or more genders. This is similar to pansexual, which is people that can be attracted to people regardless to their gender, without preferences.
Ok, I said some might therefore not all people for omni.

I used the Latin translation of bisexual to define it as it is easier than saying than two or more for those that don't know what being bi means. I'll edit the definitions to make them easier to understand and change bi so it is compliment with everyone's definition
After a discussion in main, I have decided to make this thread. Any contributions are welcome to go into more percific details about the mentioned or something new. Any amendments I need do message me, I want this to be accurate :)

Gener identity

Gener identity is how someone presents in society, three are widely recognised in society with more becoming relavent as more people explore their identity.


You you won't know what this means if you're new to the community but cisgender means same gender as born as. This is your male/female at birth, XX/XY chromosome people that are comfortable with their identity.


These are people who don't feel comfortable in their genders at birth and decide they feel more comfortable as the other gender. They will take a form of hormone replacement therapy to help them transition with other physical methods of doing so like wearing a binder (ftm) or top+bottom surgery (both)


These people are in the middle of male-female if you view it like a spectrum, they don't feel comforable as either traditionally.

I won't cover anything else that falls under this in the bulk as I would be here all day so if anything pops up I'll add it.


This is who you love, this can be based on the gender of the person or not. There are multiple different sexualities so I'll cover the 4 most people will come across in their lives.


This is someone who loves the opposite gender, literally that's the meaning in Latin or something. You might know this as straight.


These are people who love the same gender they present as, literally that's the meaning in Latin or something. You might know these people as gay/lesbian.


These are people that love both, the same gender they present as and the opposite gender. Guess what? It means that in Latin too. Not everyone that is bi uses this definition as some define it as attracted two or more genders. This is shortened to bi frequently.
These people might have a preference too, this is called Omni not everyone that is bi is Omni.


These are people that love those that see past gender when falling in love. I don't know if it translates to Latin the same but I do know it isn't people that love pots and pans... . This is shortened to pan.
These people might be on a spectrum with a preference, this is called Omni not everyone that is pan is Omni.

Anything else that sits in this description I won't cover in the bulk as I would be here all day, again so I'll add anything that pops up.
I had good interactions with all of these except for trans people, trans people bully me and assault me for no reason