Ban politics

Couldn't agree more. Politics in the chat does cause users to break other rules. If something causes others to break other rules, then it shouldn't be allowed to be talked about in the chat at all as we enforce all 38 rules. Politics is a subject that caters more towards adults anyway, and kids can't even vote yet nor understand what it is. If they do, they end up in an argument with someone who supports another side, and then both users end up breaking rules over it which is unnecessary and makes it harder for mods to manage the chat. This will also give pedos the upper hand to post their crap while mods deal with these arguments and are distracted. I am hoping a rule is made about this, or at least put it in the kids chat rulebook 2021 since the kids chats are due for an annually updated rulebook around this time of year.
I believe it would be better handled by making a separate sub room strictly for the political minded among us.
+1 to a politics room. Kids having an open forum to political discussion, while blatantly toxic, at least opens their eyes to the transfer of political information, which I think is very valuable to have. Keep it out of main though.