Bit of a late intro but...


Active member
Hey there stranger! I'm KasaneOfChimera, but you can call me Dallas (not my real name I'm not dumbbbb)! Here's some bullet points on what I'm about.

• Vocaloid OBSESSED (it's actually how I met my significant other)
• Another odd obsession, cults!
• Hunter x Hunter is pretty cool.
• Some here would call me a "filthy new gen" but I probably call myself far worse.
• My favorite colour's gotta be navy blue.
• Idfk my seggsuality but girls are hot (so are non binary people) and guys are not.
• I love snakes.
• My favorite phrase "WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM?! A TEENAGER OR SOMETHI- oh wait..".
• Way too much time on my hands.

So feel free to talk to me! Or don't, IDC!
Hey there stranger! I'm KasaneOfChimera, but you can call me Dallas (not my real name I'm not dumbbbb)! Here's some bullet points on what I'm about.

• Vocaloid OBSESSED (it's actually how I met my significant other)
• Another odd obsession, cults!
• Hunter x Hunter is pretty cool.
• Some here would call me a "filthy new gen" but I probably call myself far worse.
• My favorite colour's gotta be navy blue.
• Idfk my seggsuality but girls are hot (so are non binary people) and guys are not.
• I love snakes.
• My favorite phrase "WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM?! A TEENAGER OR SOMETHI- oh wait..".
• Way too much time on my hands.

So feel free to talk to me! Or don't, IDC!
It's been a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my dear. Enjoy your time here....
Wait anon's a she? Hold on did I just misgender someone?
that's not the point-
the point is that they keep commenting on like every thread with random stuff that nobody cares about and then start meaningless conversations with people to start drama