guys i need help!!!! 😣 😖 😫

rosafari Regular
So basically I just got unbanned which is really exciting but anyways so I tried to login and it says this:
But then when i try to make a new account it says this:
please help u guys idk what to do
Again I suggest asking someone you trust to make an account for you. After it's done you can change the password. I think it would work probably.
You could ask someone to make an account for you as other users have told you, but that wouldn't really work because you need an internet source and your internet source is banned.

You cannot make an account because there's still a glitch with the system although you are unbanned.

And when you try to make an account, you cannot because they IP banned your system/device/or internet source.

There is no other way except emailing the admins and above or someone making an account for you. I don't think it's worth it though.

And moderators can now see IP addresses.

This is why I don't make accounts in that chat.

And different emails will not work.

And, "sorry no user found with those details" means they have deleted your account for inactivity or what purposes.

Hope this made sense.

I really hate the fact that mods can see IPS now. 🥶