Hi How I can apply for moderator role

Things to consider before applying for mod on kidschat.net:

0. Wait for a news post from either admins Luminous or Arkham to come out about mod applications. (This can be triggered when 2 or more current mods either quit/resign, or are fired at any given time.)
1. If you're a guest, register.
2. If you're registered and 13 years old, wait until you're 14, while also behaving on chat. Then apply when the news post releases.
3. If you're registered and 14-19 years old, wait/behave on chat for 2 months then apply when the news post releases.
4. If you are a VIP user, making a non-vip alt account is needed.
5. Make sure your history is good before applying. Showing change overtime is also appreciated!

We are currently full at 12 mods, so you cannot apply at this time. Because of this, you are currently at #0 and stuck there until we open applications for mod. Hope this helps!
yes, This helps,
My all criteria are okay, I have more than 2 months and have a good record,
Who I can know if you are allowing applications?
yes, This helps,
My all criteria are okay, I have more than 2 months and have a good record,
Who I can know if you are allowing applications?
As I've said, there will be a news post on the chat that will advertise these applications being open. Once that releases, then you may apply.