I got kicked for 5 hours for being overage but im 14 my user is colleen ballinger


New member
I didnt know I would get kicked for putting my account age as 37 can I please get the kick token off so I can change the age
You will now need to show proof of your age to an admin in a PM here in the forum. Do not... I repeat do not show proof out here in the open, send a PM only.
Maybe you could take a picture of yourself with your username and today's date on a piece of paper and show the proof to Arkham, maybe he'll accept that. Other than that, I don't know.
You literally have "colleen ballinger" in the forum title and since that was the account you were banned on.
Oh, yeah, you're right. It is your other account.
But the "colleen ballinger" account might have to unbanned for you to get on your main account.
I am trying to understand this... Are you male or female? I mean the name "colleen ballinger" Is obviously female. But you are going by Mrbean So just to clarify clear things up what sex are you? Or are you catishing?