Inappropriate Profile pictures


Greetings fellow members!
Wanted to bring your attention towards people with inappropriate profile pictures. The biggest example of that being people having pfps of "abs" and all. Kc has a rule which states people should have appropriate profile pictures and should be totally and neatly clothed. I came across some users in the main chat who aren't following this rule. Be that picture be of a human or of an anime character or anything. The pfps should be kept with the mindset that this is a kids platform and we users must try to make it as good as it can be.
This post was posted for mods to gain a little attention on this matter.
You all mods are doing great and I'm sure you'll continue doing that.
(If I have made any grammatical errors, I apologize since english isn't my first language)
Have a great day,
When it comes to shirtless pfps I know the rules on here suggest otherwise but pictures of guys with no shirt are actually allowed
Yea, it makes little sense but the mods can't do anything unless it isn't the guys stomach/abs.

This excludes the 'pfp isn't me' being in the profile as it says that the abs/stomach aren't the user's
Yea, it makes little sense but the mods can't do anything unless it isn't the guys stomach/abs.

This excludes the 'pfp isn't me' being in the profile as it says that the abs/stomach aren't the user's
Can the mods try to kick them or tell the owner to add this thing in the rules too?
If their are profiles what you don't like as the profile pictures or anything in the profile what breaks the rules, Just report it it's very easy same goes for the forums just report the account/profile on the forums. It's very easy. I've seen multiple non appropriate p f p s on chatters on multiple other platforms and I just report the forum/or chat profile whatever one it's on either forums or the chat room. But yeah. Just report.
Did you just as people to report pfps that are allowed? I-

Report anything that breaks the rules, shirtless pfps are allowed if they are don't show underwear otherwise it is allowed.
Are you all serious with this issue? I mean come on have you all not been to a public beach, not watched one episode of Baywatch? And before anyone starts by saying "Well it is unfair that the females cannot have topless images"

I want to remind everyone. There are differences when it comes to males versus females in this category. I mean technically if a male user was to have a pfp of them wearing a bikini he would more than likely receive a mute/kick for a fetish so it goes both ways.
Well shirtless pfps aren't something bad it's just the presence of pervs and peds in the chat that is leading to this from the OP. Again, any pic showing underwear is against the rules. Shirtless males are unfortunately a common occurrence in life(or fortunately I ain't judging). Bikinis aren't quite allowed I believe cause of the issues that come with peds and pervs since they tend to use them. Shirtless pics aren't that common and in most cases are only meant as a way for dumbos(no offense) to show their "abs" which umm.. usually aren't impressive unless they're catfishing. So shirtless pics haven't ever really been a hazard to the chat. Any pic can be inappropriate and racy in nature even when fully clothed, trust me. If a mod feels like that is a case for a pic they would take it down.