kicked for socials


New member
idk who but some mod considers roblox and disc socials and since im kicked for an hour i cant even remove them
but then you can put your twitter ***** and facebook here
not saying its invalid but now i cant remove them
Discord is definitely socials and as for roblox it has a chat feature so it falls under the same category(and any other game that does). As for the forums I don't know why you can share socials here, it's kinda separate from the chat and doesn't have the same rules I guess.

I'm sure the socials you shared were removed by the mod who kicked you at that time though and since some time has passed you already know that.
Let me say this if any sort of videogame has a chat-like feature involved that then becomes a social media issue and of course the common ones such as discord, *****, Snapchat et:al are absolutely positively not allowed in the chat and by now you all should realize this! It has been posted. It is been talked about endlessly when will you people figure it out? We are not here to be a portal to drive traffic to your personal chats and to do so allows the pedophiles a chance to have their way with their victims in private without moderation so you idiots who keep posting social media and then arguing about it need to pull your head from the area it's located!
idk who but some mod considers roblox and disc socials and since im kicked for an hour i cant even remove them
but then you can put your twitter ***** and facebook here
not saying its invalid but now i cant remove them
at least you aren't banned šŸ˜