My user deleted cause the mod is illiterate..


New member
The mod 'seb'brought up age something or other and i made the joke " well my age is approaching 11 might have to re age myself " this was a follow up to a precious on mentioning my age approaching 100.. albiet not very funny but he deleted my entire account because he cant fking read. No warning, no questioning, no nothing just straight up deleted it. Which i call absolute bs on.
Whats your account name?

Im pretty sure I did not do this kick but I standby the others staff members choice to kick you. After all age is something not be joked about on this site.
You joked about an age and got your account deleted and now come cry in here about it? Go cry me a river, this is what you should get when you are this stupid!
I was the one to kick you, now I fully understood what you said.

You claimed to be approaching 11 soon, making you ten therefore not allowed to be in the chat based on our age rules. If you want to be allowed back I would DM both the admins proof that you're not 'approaching 11' and of an age to participate in the chat again.

-advo, the illiterate mod