Next Assassin's Creed

Also set it in more exotic settings like maybe africa during the slave trade/golden years or maybe the wild west or maybe in several less well documented (in western media atleast) places like central asia,southeast asia,siberia during the golden horde etc

Second make weapons pick able like the old games i remember back then just picking up a musket and duelling the enemy left and right

No micro transaction i mean come on a cool outfit is locked behind a paywall?

Remove the heavy rpg element i wanna go back to the days of black flag where i could just swing into an enemy ship and battle them all

More cool little details

No politics whatsoever (this is history bruh you canf just change it like uhm bf5 uhm)

More robust character customisation

And i think thats about it (for places i hope they go to rome or japan or india or something exotic)