Please un-ban me!

Fluffy sheep

New member
Hello, I use kids chat every day and I really like it. Today my 7-year-old brother was home sick. My mom left him home alone for a few hours because she had to go to work. When I came home from school, I logged into kids chat and it said I had been banned for spamming. My brother probably went into my phone, because he knows I use kids chat and he loves to annoy the heck out of people. I will change my phone password so this doesn’t happen again. My username is Fluffy sheep. Please un-ban me. Thank you!
bruh aren't you the same person who's always like "OcTopUs eAt tHeiR aRms WHen tHeY'rE bOreD"
also that excuse is old af
What rosafari said. The "my sibling did it when I wasn't looking" excuse is one used by many people(not saying you are using it as one, just that it won't work). You'll have to wait it out.
30 days for your account auto deletion (I believe), wait it out.
also no, bans aren’t forever unless you are a vip
Depends on the ban, if it's IP is permanent but if it's account (probably not a thing) it will last 30 days.

Also get a pin on your phone so your brother can't use it at will


Post of Kevin reinforcing what I said. It is his second comment. 7 down.

The inevitability of accounts being deleted, and IPs changing usually means that a previously banned user will be able to make a new account once their account deletes.

What matters is whether the user is allowed to come back. Pedos, overaged users and traders, as well as people who have bypassed their ban and ones who are KOS/BOS are not allowed to come back and are therefore subsequently kicked and rebanned.

Yes bans don't have a time out under Kevin's administration, but he allows for users to come back if they have acknowledged their errors and reflected on their previous kicks and ban.

Hope that helps in clearing up the "when will I be unbanned" question. The answer is: it depends, could be forever or it could be till the account auto deletes depending on the reason and the users behavior after receiving it.
The inevitability of accounts being deleted, and IPs changing usually means that a previously banned user will be able to make a new account once their account deletes.
Hope that helps in clearing up the "when will I be unbanned" question. The answer is: it depends, could be forever or it could be till the account auto deletes depending on the reason and the users behavior after receiving it.
In short, 30 days min unless Kevin unbans you
not tho?
I looked up your profile and you aren’t banned, it would’ve said this user is currently banned
also you should’ve made your own thread instead of replying to this one
I was idk why it says im not and I replied to this bc i didnt see how to make the post but I made one now lol.
Why if you are a VIP you banned is forever?
I think it’s because they give you more time before you’re banned after repeated offenses
also because your vip account never deletes (if you have lifetime I think don’t know if you have it for 3 months, etc etc)
i Don’t know how you’d be able to get unbanned from a vip account so I won’t speak on that but uh yeah that’s it
heyyy... so when exactly am i being unbanned?
When Kevin believes you have learned your lesson. Or never.
