Real talk

Dreadpirateroberts Regular
With all this arguing I think I might as well distract it with some real talk.
Lately I've been feeling lost, I find it hard to enjoy anything really, tho there are some things I do enjoy but the satisfaction only lasts soo long, sometimes I just sit there in my room doing nothing, I have no motivation nor drive and frankly I have no sense of direction in life, I don't know what I want to do as I get older
I can't help but feel like a failure and a letdown to some
I just feel lost and a bit scared
But I try to not think about too much, but sometimes I just can't not think about how screwed I am in life

Idk what im going to do really but ig I just want someone to listen, not even help but just listen
That for me is enough to make me a bit more less worried(?)
But for now I'll just try to not give up

Not dead yet...
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I am, at least I believe, coming out of one of the most depressing and miserable times of my life. My depression was immense, I quit my job, lost all my friends, my ADHD was getting worse and worse by the day forcing me to drop out of school. I, right now, can safely say I feel happy. For the first time in months, I genuinely feel happy and like there's something ahead of me. Coming out of this time now and looking back I realize that life is extraordinarily difficult, and finding peace and happiness in it is one of the hardest things humans have to figure out in their lives. I've found peace in myself, working on myself extremely hard to make sure I on a personal level am the best person I can be for myself and those around me, I've learned to find joy in my day-to-day life. Teaching yourself how to appreciate small things is very important. In general, outlook is major on your mental state. Redefining the way you look at life and its ups and downs can help turn what used to be an ugly image into something hopeful, something to say to yourself that you're proud you got through. I'm 18 years old and I have 0 clue what I'm going to do with my life, the path is unclear, and I'm totally okay with that now. Find peace with the things you can't control, with the mistakes you've made and are going to continue to make. You may feel lost and scared now, but that is only a small sliver of the rest of your life, and life keeps moving forward. You will move in and out of happiness and sadness, feeling certain and feeling lost. Nothing in life is permanent, happiness comes and goes as will the feeling you have now. You have so many years ahead of you that these will not even be recognizable sooner than you think. The only person in life you have to meet the standards of is yourself. Make sure your standards and reasonable, don't try to overdo things, you have plenty of time to accomplish everything you want to. You can take a step back every once in a while and just take a deep breath, and tell yourself everything's okay because it really is. I appreciate you sharing the way you feel with us, we do care about you a lot and want to see the best for you. I'm sure most of us would love to listen to anything you want/have to say or get off your chest.
Others have already said all I would tbh and probably did better than I ever could. Just know you have people in your life who are willing to stand by you no matter what. If you want someone to listen to you we're all here and especially me. Being idle makes contemplating life inevitable. You're not screwed. What your life is like right now isn't how it's gonna stay in the future.
You know i have been in that place before during my junior high year i was relentlessly bullied and everyday when i wake up i always thought "is there any point in waking up" but i keep my head strong and i busy myself with hobbies and other activities like swimming,gaming etc while also building up any skills i want to use in college and my future job maybe you could do the same build up any skills that you think will be worth it in the long run to keep yourself distracted
With all this arguing I think I might as well distract it with some real talk.
Lately I've been feeling lost, I find it hard to enjoy anything really, tho there are some things I do enjoy but the satisfaction only lasts soo long, sometimes I just sit there in my room doing nothing, I have no motivation nor drive and frankly I have no sense of direction in life, I don't know what I want to do as I get older
I can't help but feel like a failure and a letdown to some
I just feel lost and a bit scared
But I try to not think about too much, but sometimes I just can't not think about how screwed I am in life

Idk what im going to do really but ig I just want someone to listen, not even help but just listen
That for me is enough to make me a bit more less worried(?)
But for now I'll just try to not give up

Not dead yet...
Trust me I’ve been there too. I know that feeling. Where you have absolutely no motivation to do anything and no matter what you do, you still feel empty and hopeless. Thinking of yourself as a failure or a letdown can be really damaging so please don’t think that way. You’re a terrific person and I’m so glad I got to meet you here. You’re not one of those attention-seeking trolls or dumbass idiots, you’re a genuinely nice person and I really appreciate that about you. And please don’t stress too much about the future. You’re still so young and you’ve got so much ahead of you. Don’t let these thoughts control you and get in your way. Just do whatever you want to do, and don’t keep thinking about the possibilities of failure otherwise you’ll get nowhere. You’ll never know unless you try : ) and if you keep flooding yourself with these thoughts of failure it’s not going to be healthy for you. Frankly, I used to feel the exact same as you. I used to be severely depressed and didn’t want to do anything. So much so, that I developed an eating disorder. I would practically starve myself every day as I was tormented by these negative thoughts. I mean it felt like a literal hellhole that I couldn’t escape. But looking back now, I can see that this wasn’t a healthy way to cope at all. What I should’ve done was to combat these negative thoughts, and believe in myself as you should also do. Even things like setting small goals for yourself can really impact the way you think. It re-instills your confidence and makes you aware of how capable you are. I don’t know how much this will help you, or if it even will but please be strong, and please don’t take things for granted. There’s so much ahead of you, please don’t worry about that stuff because I know you’ll find success one day. You can even take periodic mental health breaks, and use that time to focus on yourself. The most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself, so please think about that and don’t take that for granted. Because the moment you do, everything could instantly disappear and you’ll just be left with regret. And remember that you are, and will always be worth it. Don’t let anything get in your way and realize that you are much more capable than what you believe.

“Your skin isn’t paper, don’t cut it
Your face isn’t a mask, don’t hide it
Your size isn’t a book, don’t judge it
Your life isn’t a film, don’t end it”

And if you ever need help/support don’t be scared to reach out:

Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255
Depression hotline - 1-630-482-9696
Trevor project (LGBTQ+) - 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality support - 1-800-246-77437
Eating disorder hotline - 1-847-831-3438
Rape/sexual assault - 1-800-656-4673
Greif support - 1-650-321-5272
Runaway - 1-800-843-5200
Adolescent suicide helpline - 1-800-621-4000

And of course, you should open up to your family about how your feeling and don’t be scared to do so; something I wish I had done a while ago. Feel free to talk to me too if you want because I’ll always be there to listen and help : )
