The intolerance of trans activists and why silencing people for having unpopular beliefs on sex + gender isn't the solution.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 2010
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Deleted member 2010

Peoples ’ personal growth is hampered when they are muted for having views on gender and sex that do not fit here to dominant narrative. Bashing someone for holding a controversial viewpoint won't change their views. Having discussions is one way that someone's mindset might change. People only go underground when you censor them for having a political position that you disagree with, which might end in radicalization. When someone is driven underground because of their opinion on what it means to be transgender and how they define sex and gender, it leads to groups of people with extreme beliefs.

When someone is forced underground due to being ostracized for their understanding of sex and gender and what it means to be transgender, groups of people with extreme beliefs are formed. It's simple to be become “ stuck ” in the extremist ideologies on both sides of the sex and gender debate.Why is it that when ex trans activists are introduced to some of the gender theory fallacies, they ultimately join the alt right?

Some people think gender is an unlimited spectrum with endless options, some think gender is a social construct made by man, others think anyone can label themselves, some think transgender people have a medically diagnosed condition, some think gender is biological and that transgender people have different brain structures, and some think gender doesn't exist and that sex is the only thing that matters. It is unjust to label someone's respectfully voiced opinion hate speech.

What makes the belief that gender isn't socially constructed and a result of natural difference's in the brain hateful,whereas the belief that gender is simply a label someone can choose to use not? Everyone should be able to take part in this debate because everyone has varying viewpoints on what gender and sex are. Some views on the transgender community should be categorized as hate speech because they encourage violence. (Ex: 1) Murdering every trans person would make the world a better place. 2) The shelter for men in dresses should be bombed. Note that these statements are only being used as examples to show the call for violence (murder and bombing) against a certain group of people, transgenders. These comments are driven by hatred. It's critical to discern hate speech from unpopular opinions. Not all controversial opinions qualify as hate speech. The definition of hate speech is ill-defined. I've noticed that it's widely exploited to silence those who object with the dominant ideologies regarding racial, sexual, gender, religious, and other issues. Who defines what counts hate speech is the issue? I define hate speech as any expression of aggression and hatred directed at a specific group of people, and I agree that anything that promotes harming, abusing, or killing others should not be protected. Deplatforming people who support violence against any group is a responsible and necessary step to ensure everyone's safety.
Deplatforming someone for having an opinion that does not align with the mainstream on the other hand is unethical and extremism is reinforced by censorship. Cancel culture is rampant and it causes people whose views were deemed unacceptable by the mob to branch of and found their own community's that create echo chambers of like minded people. Transgender people are a diverse group of males and females of varying political views, religions, cultures and age's.

Common arguments I hear:

" Trans people exist"

Transgender people exist and make up less than 1% of the general population. What a person means by this statement can vary but I
I find it usually means some people have gender dysphoria and other times it means some people call themselves that fall outside the typical woman and male. I acknowledge gender dysphoria as a real condition some people have + can agree there's many ways someone can express themselves when it comes to gender.

" Trans people just need to pee"

This argument is used by trans-activists when some people are uncomfortable with sharing a washroom with someone of the opposite sex. I can agree the average trans-person does not pose any threat to a member of the opposite sex in a washroom. Some people believe that not allowing a trans person to use the washroom of the opposite sex is transphobic given it invalidates their gender identity and other people think that transgender people using the washroom of the opposite sex puts people at risk of sexual harassment. Where I stand on bathroom laws is only people with gender dysphoria who make an effort to live life as the opposite sex should be granted permission to use the washroom of the opposite sex. It's transphobic and bigoted to suggest that every trans person who uses the washroom of the opposite sex
is predatory and roleplaying as the opposite sex for a twisted fantasy they have. Debates against transgender people using washrooms of the opposite sex tend to be fear mongering and it's unfair to cherry pick examples of transgender people sexually harassing people in the washroom of the opposite sex. Those cases are far and few. I can agree in some cases a transgender person using the washroom of the opposite sex is safer for everyone. What comes to a mind is a story where a trans man was beaten in a female washroom cause other's thought he was a male. And transgender women can be at higher risk of sexual assault than other males. I believe we can be accommodating to the needs of transgender people without making washrooms a free for all for anyone that simply calls themselves the opposite sex. My concern with current bathroom laws is malicious people can use the loophole that the only criteria to use the washroom of the opposite sex is self identity to gain access to a space where members of the opposite sex are vulnerable to take advantage of them hence fuelling the stereotype that transgender people are predatory. My solution is a passport for medically transitioned transgender people to use the washroom of their choice and implementing more single stall gender neutral washrooms in public spaces.

"Learn the difference between sex and gender"
Trans activists always tell people to educate themselves on the difference between sex and gender. To their world view, gender is both a social construct and how you feel on the inside. Saying "learn why sex and gender are not the same" is used as some sort of gotcha. Lots of transmed, gender critical and people with moderate beliefs on the topic of sex and gender have heard the argument that sex is to do with your reproductive function and gender is how you feel on the inside and can be anything but they simply do not agree and formed their own beliefs based on their background and upbringing. I find people are often told to educate themselves when they say there is two sexes, male and female and a person cannot change their sex.

" A woman is anyone who identify's as a woman"

Similarly, they may use the argument that transgender women are women. My issue with that definition is it resorts to circular reasoning to try and explain what a woman is. How I see things is sometimes it'd make sense to include trans -women and women under the umbrella women but other times it's important to distinguish them. Trans-women do not simply indentify as women and reducing being transgender down to a label is offensive. As previously established a transgender woman has a brain that is similar to that of a females ad and so her brain functions similarly to how a woman is and she can experience the emotional aspects of female hood such as increased emotional output when on estrogen. In my point of view, a woman is a female who is comfortable with her sex. Females are of the sex that produce the gamete Ova. A transgender woman is a male who for a combination of social and psychological reasons medically and socially transitioned to live life as a woman and can try to make her body resemble females. Admittedly, I have met trans-women who I thought were female given her personality, demeanor and appearance closely resembled the female sex. I can on some level accept trans -women as women but it's incredibly offensive to suggest that womanhood in women and trans women is just a label anyone can use. Trans-women and women are distinct groups of people with some shared experiences but some things are experiences exclusive to trans-women and others only impact women and trans -men. For example, female genital mutilation is a procedure many women are forced to endure in some third world countries that can cause severed health problems and the abortion of female babies cause they're seen as a burden in many places. I can accept and respect trans-women as women but believe there's a place for female single sex spaces and think it's harmful if we ignore the reality that biologically trans-women and women aren't the same. Trans women and women have different health care needs. Suppose we as a society erased the distinction between trans -women and women all together and so the word we used to refer to both trans-women and women were women and a trans-woman and a woman got into an accident, rushed to the emergency room and the doctors couldn't determine the sex of either them. They thought that both were female this puts the health of the trans woman at risk given males and females respond to drugs and symptoms of diseases can vary in males and females and so, in a health care setting it's important to distinguish the sexes. Saying trans-women are not the same as women does not come from a place of hate.

"Trans rights are human rights"

I notice this argument often pops up in response to people questioning the safety of hormone replacement therapy, sex reassignment surgery, being opposed to bathroom laws and so on. Hating someone on the basis of gender is not okay and I wholeheartedly believe transgender people should get the same opportunities as everyone else. We can address the issues of violence against transgender people, discrimination at work + school and so on. Transgender people are a vulnerable population. I support everyone dressing how they choose, using any label to describe themselves and undergoing procedures that can improve the quality of their life if they are an adult or in rare cases, a minor who is proven to be likely to benefit from something as life altering as SRS + HRT.
When I say female I'm talking about those with xx chromosomes and when I say male I mean someone with XY chromosomes. Sex is innate and cannot be changed. Trans-women are male and can identify with female hood. It's important to recognize what makes trans-women separate from women. Some people are born with DSD that can have characteristics of the opposite sex or unique chromosomal pairings but they are still either male or female just have conditions that cause difference's in sexual development. Some people born with a DSD do not embrace the label intersex and consider it to be derogatory. Some difference's in sexual development include turner syndrome, a condition that impacts females where it causes them to be missing an X chrome. XXYY is a sex chromosome anomaly where males have an extra X and an extra Y chromosome. Males with XXYY have 48 chromosomes instead about the standard 46. I have been accused of hate speech for talking about some people ( up to 2%) having a difference in sexual development and debunking the myth that a person with a DSD is neither male or female and instead something in between. Some people with a DSD use the label hermaphrodite or intersex and believe that they are not male or female and instead a third sex category. There's 30+ recognized difference's in sexual development but people with these conditions are often lopped together under the umbrella intersex. Intersex is not a gender identity. An Intersex people can be lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual, cisgender, non binary and express themselves in any way. Understandably, intersex people are more likely to deal with gender identity issues given having a body not generally associated with male or female can cause someone to feel like they don't really belong in either sex category. Depending on how loosely you define sex, intersex people are either male or female but some people argue that there's countless sex's. Where I stand is, there's only two sexes but I don't rigidly define a male as someone with XY chromosomes or a female as someone with XX chromosomes cause some people have characteristics of the opposite sex. People with DSD are often confused with transgenders, not every transgender person is Intersex and every person with a DSD is transgender. The intersex community has challenges that are unique to them such as forced genital surgeries and we should be mindful of people with conditions A woman is a female who is comfortable with her sex. A transwoman is a male that for a combination of social/ psychological reason's medically/ socially transitions to live life as a woman. She is a trans woman and can never be female. A man is a male who is comfortable with his sex. A transman is a female who is not comfortable with his sex and for social/ mental reasons socially and medically transitions to live life as a man and transforms his body to appear male. We can be sympathetic to males and females living with gender dysphoria without trying to erase the concept of sex.
I can accept trans women as women and trans men as men but treat them with the same respect as everyone else but gender cannot both be a social construct and up to the individual. The argument that gender is entirely made up by society doesn't make any sense. A trans-woman is a male who can relate to females on an emotional level given her brain has more in common with the opposite smex. She is not a trans woman cause of society's rigid beliefs on how a male should act, think and dress. She will still have gender dysphoria regardless and connect with womanhood. Some aspects of gender are man made, for example we associate pink with girls ams blue with boys, there is some man made social aspects but the most part gender comes from within.

Stereotypes are socially constructed. Females are more likely to play with dolls given their motherly instinct but it'd be close minded to categorize people based on something as silly as their preferences in toys. Some girls love trucks. Some boys like dolls. Males can have feminine traits and females can have masculine traits. Every other gender aside from woman, man, trans woman and trans man describe someone's relationship to gender roles/ stereotypes. A person can call themselves anything and that's okay. Non-binary identity is subjective. Anyone can call themselves non binary for whatever reason. I'm all for freedom of expression. If someone identify's as non-binary I do not hate them as a person. Not every enby person has the same beliefs, reasons of using that label, etc. Some people find happiness in using they/ them, Ze/zir pronouns and it's okay. Where it crosses the line is where acknowledging the innate differences between males and females is labelled hate speech or people are required to use preferred pronouns by law. A person has the choice to use any pronoun, likewise a person can opt out of it for any reason. Harassment, bullying or encouraging violence towards someone on the basis of their identity. Everyone should be respected. Understanding and change cannot happen if people are forbidden from having open discussions. Gender theory is just another way of viewing gender/sex, likewise gender critical beliefs are another way of explaining sex/gender. None are inherently wrong or hateful. Anyways, the meaning of the word woman is way more complex as anyone who calls themselves a woman. Trans-women are not female and what makes them a trans-woman isn't being feminine, not every male who is girly are transgender. A transgender person isn't anyone who chooses to use a describe themselves as transgender. Every transgender person has something in common and that is gender dysphoria. A condition that can be managed with hormone replacement therapy, gender affirmation surgery and social transition. Transgender people's brains function and have a structure similar to the opposite sex. It's harmful to the transgender community to put them into the same category as people who choose to express themselves by using pronouns + a label that makes them happy.
By having these discussions nobody is denying the existence of trans people. Less than 1% of people are trans but they exist and have needs that differ from the general population.the same respect as everyone else but gender cannot both be a social construct and up to the individual. The argument that gender is entirely made up by society doesn't make any sense. A trans-woman is a male who can relate to females on an emotional level given her brain has more in common with the opposite smex. She is not a trans woman cause of society's rigid beliefs on how a male should act, think and dress. She will still have gender dysphoria regardless and connect with womanhood. Some aspects of gender are man made, for example we associate pink with girls ams blue with boys, there is some man made social aspects but the most part gender comes from within. Stereotypes are socially constructed. Females are more likely to play with dolls given their motherly instinct but it'd be close minded to categorize people based on something as silly as their preferences in toys. Some girls love trucks. Some boys like dolls. Males can have feminine traits and females can have masculine traits. Every other gender aside from woman, man, trans woman and trans man describe someone's relationship to gender roles/ stereotypes. A person can call themselves anything and that's okay. Non-binary identity is subjective. Anyone can call themselves non binary for whatever reason. I'm all for freedom of expression. If someone identify's as non-binary I do not hate them as a person. Not every enby person has the same beliefs, reasons of using that label, etc. Some people find happiness in using they/ them, Ze/zir pronouns and it's okay. Where it crosses the line is where acknowledging the innate differences between males and females is labelled hate speech or people are required to use preferred pronouns by law. A person has the choice to use any pronoun, likewise a person can opt out of it for any reason. Harassment, bullying or encouraging violence towards someone on the basis of their identity. Everyone should be respected. Understanding and change cannot happen if people are forbidden from having open discussions. Gender theory is just another way of viewing gender/smex, likewise gender critical beliefs are another way of explaining smex/gender. None are inherently wrong or hateful. Anyways, the meaning of the word woman is way more complex as anyone who calls themselves a woman. Trans-women are not female and what makes them a trans-woman isn't being feminine, not every male who is girly are transgender. A transgender person isn't anyone who chooses to use a label outside of woman and man to describe themselves. We can give the non -binary community respect and allow people to indentify outside of man+ woman but the trans community is being overshadowed by the belief gender is a limitless spectrum or a man made social construct and this is harmful cause for trans people to be accepted and respected by society and get the treatments they need to manage gender dysphoria they cannot be seen as the same as someone who the belief that gender is an oppressive system enforced by the patriarchy that calls themselves non binary simply because the feel limited by gender based Stereotypes vs a trans person with gender dysphoria whose brain does not work the same a other members of their sex.
Every philosophy regarding sex + gender has it's strengths and weaknesses. A person's belief on sex and gender can be informed by their culture, upbringing, education, gender and so on. Blocking people from speaking their minds on important issues in society is not helping anyone. I notice this chat tends to favor the opinion that gender is an endless spectrum and social construct over the belief that sex is someone's reproductive function and cannot be changed and gender identity is biological. It makes sense the moderation here skews heavily to the left given minors tend to be more progressive on social issues but the downfall of censorship on this chat room is there's no room for open discussion.

Below I'll explain some of the strong points and weaknesses in various ideologies regarding sex and gender to make it clear that there's no theory that can flawlessly explain everything.

" Gender is a social construct"

Gender is a social construct is a belief that gender expectations and norms are created by society and gender roles are man-made and do not appear in any specifies except for male+ female. Under this belief, there's no behaviors or actions that differentiate the sexes and so people who believe this jump to the conclusion that given gender does not exist in observable reality a woman is anyone who declares she's a woman and a man is anyone who declares he's a man and gender is completely divorced from sex.

What gender is a social construct belief does well is shed light on men and women who do not fit into gender stereotypes. It recognizes that people regardless of sex can have masculine, feminine or androgynous traits. In the past, this belief was used to empower women to escape from the imprisoning gender roles and take on men's roles in the workplace.

Some people who think gender is a social construct believe that men and women are the same socially and mentally and in reality there's no differences between genders. Understandably, some aspects of gender are socially constructed. For example , blue is for boys and pink is for girls. This is an example of a gender norm that changed over time. In the past, blue was considered girly cause it's dainty and pink was considered boyish cause it's similar to red which at the time was seen as strong and manly or how we expect men and women to dress. There's no biological reason pant suits as associated with men and dresses are associated with women.

I find the idea that gender all together is a social construction to be flawed given in egalitarian societies the differences between men and women are still noticeable. A transgender person isn't transgender because they fall out what is socially acceptable to men or women. If gender is socially constructed, why are transgender people sex dysphoric? A transgender woman isn't just a femboy and transitioning because of gender roles.
Gender identity is biological, transgenders exist in empirical reality, there's observable ways to tell if someone is transgender such as their brain scans, symptoms of gender dysphoria and so on. Gender does not exist as a social construct despite some aspects of gender being man-made. As it's been established, a transgender womans brain is similiar to a female's brain. Any male cannot be a transgender woman just because he said so.
For most people, their gender aligns with their sex but for some people there is not. Gender is a social construct fails to explain why transgender people seek to live life as members as the opposite sex and how that transgender people exist in every culture no matter how strictly gender roles are enforced.

"Sex is a construct and gender is the only relevant thing"
Some people reject the belief that humans are sexually dimorphic and think there are no differences between males and females physically and sex is an unnecessary way to categorize humans. People who believe this point to intersex people as evidence that the belief that there are two sexes, males and females as being false given the diversity of sex characteristics in human. Some people advocate for others to stop using the word biological sex and instead say sex traits when talking about genitals, chromosomes and so on. In this way of thinking, sex is binary and existences on a spectrum. This belief is becoming more wide spread in the scientific community and advocates of this belief feel that defining a woman as someone with XX chromosomes a female and someone with XY chromosomes as erasing people who have differences in sexual development. In this world view, the concept of sex is motivated by politics and is meant to invalidate and dehumanize intersex or transgender people. At the extreme end of this belief, a transgender woman is biologically a female and biological sex change change over time and that gender is more important than biological sex. It looks like what this theory is trying to do is shift away from using sexed language when talking about a person's physical anatomy and sex to avoid offending and hurting everyone. This belief clearly explains that some people are intersex and can be left out of the generally agreed upon definitions of male and female. It's not unheard of for a biology class now to refer to females as "people with uterus" ,"people with the capacity to give birth" and "people who menstruate" or males as "prostate owners" or "penis owners", using non-sexed language when discussing sexed traits does come from a place of trying to be understanding and avoid hurting transgender people who are hurt by being referred to as members of their sex. I notice that this causes a lot of unnecessary hurt and offense to some men and women who feel that their sex is being boiled down to their bodily functions or sexual organs. In the pursuit to avoid offending people with language, more people are being offended, the question is should we use gender neutral language to make intersex and transgender people feel heard or acknowledge their existence without modifying how we use language? What's more is some people feel that the usage of gender neutral language has become culturally insensitive . For example, many Latin people are uncomfortable being called "Latinx" cause they feel it is disrespectful to culture given Spanish has grammatical language and many argue that there is no need for the word Latinx cause Latin is already the word to describe Hispanics regardless of their sex.

"Sex is innate ,unchanging and cannot be conflated with gender"
Gender critical people think that sex is unchanging and cannot be combined with gender. Gender critical belief that a person's gender identity does not hold more value than their sex. Gender critical people believe in single sex spaces and do not want sex to be erased. Gender critical people can be cisgender or transgender and are often painted as angry, misinformed and bigoted feminists. A gender critical person does deny the existence of transgender people, are sympathetic to those living with gender dysphoria and support people expressing their gender in any way they choose and choosing the pronouns and labels they want to use. Gender critical people are not ignorant of transgender issues and hateful to transgenders. Gender critical beliefs make the valid belief sex is unchanging and that for example, a trans -woman gender identity is woman but she can never be a female. Single sex spaces can be important for some men and women, it's important to have spaces for transgender men and women and gender critical people are not against some welcoming women and trans women. Gender critical people argue that every space shouldn't be required by law to allow transgender people if the opposite sex. Some people in gender critical spaces hold problematic views such as being transgender is a fetish, transgender women only wanna use the female toilets to sexually harass women, transgender women are just men in dresses and trans women are self hating lesbians. Views like this should not be welcome cause they misrepresent the transgender community by using cherry picked examples of people claiming to be transgender and mistreating women and so on. It's important to distinguish respectful people with gender critical views from the outspoken minority that take their views to the extreme. Many gender critical people are the target of defamation and harassment.
I'm sorry but I really dont have the time to read through ALL of this but I'll put in some of the reasons I've kicked you if you're the person I think you are.

We have people part of communities that you seem to call out regularly which does offend a big part of chat. (I'll just add that you do this respectfully but its not right imo to belittle people in this way).

Also it seems like the only reason you are here is to discuss gender/sexuality or other controversial topics. I get it this is important to you but theres gotta be ither things that you can discuss here. It's been many times that I've told you or other people to stop the conversation solely based on you causing drama in chat and I have to kick you just because that seems to be the only thing you circle back to.

Also most of us are kids, let them experiment without feeling like they are doing something wrong
I'm sorry but I really dont have the time to read through ALL of this but I'll put in some of the reasons I've kicked you if you're the person I think you are.

We have people part of communities that you seem to call "mental illness" or "shouldn't be accepted" (I'll just add that you do this respectfully but its not right imo to belittle people in this way).

Also it seems like the only reason you are here is to discuss gender/sexuality or other controversial topics. I get it this is important to you but theres gotta be ither things that you can discuss here. It's been many times that I've told you or other people to stop the conversation solely based on you causing drama in chat and I have to kick you just because that seems to be the only thing you circle back to.

Also most of us are kids, let them experiment without feeling like they are doing something wrong
Gender dysphoria is a condition. Transgender people are not mentally ill, they're just born with differences in their brain and that's okay. It's not belittling or insulting to acknowledge a transgender's person's brain structure is more similiar to the opposite sex and that transgender people medically and socially transition to manage gender dysphoria. Where in anything I said on this thread that transgender people should not be respected and accepted? It's healthy for people to be exposed to varying viewpoints on the topic of sex + gender, like I said there isn't anything wrong with using a label such as non-binary or genderfluid.
I'm not here to argue whether you're wrong or right I'm just saying this is probably not the place to have this discussion
Gender dysphoria is a disorder. A condition is a health problem with certain characteristics and symptoms that can include diseases, disorders and syndromes. Gender dysphoria presents as an insistent and long lasting distress caused by an incongruence between sex and gender. Gender dysphoria can manifest as discomfort in feeling the need to preform the gender roles expected of them.Gender dysphoric people can feel extreme discomfort with their secondary sex characteristics. For example, a trans man is likely to feel uneasy about his breasts and hips. Gender dysphoria can be crippling to someone or mildly disruptive. Contrary to popular belief, people with gender dysphoria do not actually see themselves as the opposite sex, instead they're painfully aware of it and are upset and uncomfortable about it. Nonetheless, it is a condition and some people seem to be offended by that. Classifying something by it's objective descriptor isn't controversial. Of course ,this fact can be weaponised and used as an insult against someone. Conditions do not have to be stigmatized. For example bipolar, autism and major depressive disorder are all disorders and yet they are all more common than gender dysphoria are more comfortable calling these disorders. We shouldn't use someone's disorder against them as an insult but also shouldn't deny it out of political correctness. Transgender people have gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria cannot be cured but socially and medically transitioning can improve the quality of life for some transgender people. Medical and social transition is not for everyone. Some people have a hard time coping with this condition. The suicide rate for transgender people is higher than the general population. In recent years, there's been a push to open up the label transgender for anyone who does not conform to traditional gender roles. Some people indentify as transgender without having gender dysphoria and this people are being grouped with transsexuals. I find this has changed the public perception of the transgender population given how outspoken some of these non-dysphoric trans indentified people can be. I find transsexuals are being pushed out of their spaces for having the belief that in order to be transgender you must have gender dysphoria. Furthermore, when we stop recognizing gender dysphoria as a disorder we are invalidating transgender people and further stigmatizing them cause if we do not see gender dysphoria as a medical condition we are implying that there's not neurological evidence to back someone being transgender up. Transgender acceptance is on the decline cause non-dysphoric transgender people took over the movement and silenced the voices of transsexuals. Now the public is starting to get the false idea transgender people are simply being quirky and trying to be unique.
Note: A person can self indentify as non-binary or gender fluid for example but they shouldn't be speaking on behalf of transsexuals.
NGL. I feel like your maxed charactered easy could be shorter. If you want to spread awareness being short and precise is better than long and overdetailed
NGL. I feel like your maxed charactered easy could be shorter. If you want to spread awareness being short and precise is better than long and overdetailed
Fair point, though part of me wants to spread awareness about the different views on sex and gender. I'm mostly writing to blow steam.
It's taboo to criticize a transgender or non binary person for any reason. People who call out predatory and dangerous people within the transgender community are accused of transphobia.
Predatory people within the transgender population are uncommon but they get heavy media attention.
Understandably, this can make the public perception of the transgender population bad and it's easy to get sucked into the belief the entire transgender community is predatory fetishists.

Transgender spaces should do more to call out and distance themselves from the unsavory few that make them look bad.

It's okay to call out the bad actions of transgender and non-binary people given the focus of the criticism is not their gender.

For example, Eli Erlick is a trans woman and activist that runs an illegal drug trafficking operation to give unused hormone replacement therapy medication to teens. She believes that she is saving the lives of trans teens, her defense of her actions is it's unlawful some places have banned or heavily restricted minors access to hormone replacement therapy. What she is doing is not okay. It's illegal to give away your unused prescription medication to anyone. A person who is on hormone replacement therapy is under the watchful eye of health care providers to keep track of their levels of testosterone and estrogen, seeing how hormone replacement therapy is impacting their organs and overall health. Taking hormones you got from some shady place online is unsafe. Her plan is harming vulnerable trans youth. She also has allegations of sexual abuse against her. Her actions do not reflect every transgender person. Out of fear of being labelled bigots people shy away from talking about this.
Some trans activists have recently launched campaigns to spread the word about the fact that females of any gender can experience periods. People who support the all genders menstruate movement argue that it's worth noting that some females self-identify as non-binary, agender, gender fluid, demi girl, and so on or are transsexual men and that avoiding phrases like "women's health" when talking about periods gives a voice to transsexual and non-binary females. Some think that using gender inclusive terms while discussing women's health and menstruation is a significant step in the right direction toward accepting transgender and non-binary people. Lots of the people in the "all genders can menstruate" movement believe that talking about menstrual health a women's issue is transphobic and they claim it invalidates the gender of transsexual men and non binary female's. In their belief, it's offensive and ignorant to talk about periods as a women's health issue given not every female indentify's with womanhood, some people who get periods are transsexual men and not every women can get her period for a variety of health issues and some of them believe it's offensive to leave trans -women out of the discussion of periods. People who back this movement up advocate for words and phrases such as "those who bleed", "bleeders" or "those with the capacity to menstruate".Some trans activists have recently launched campaigns to spread the word about the fact that women of any gender can experience periods. People who support the all genders menstruate movement argue that it's worth noting that some females self-identify as non-binary, agender, gender fluid, demi girl, and so on or are transsexual men and that avoiding phrases like "women's health" when talking about periods gives a voice to transsexual and non-binary females. Some people believe that by making the language we use around menstrual health gender neutral, we are erasing women. Some think that using gender inclusive terms while discussing women's health and menstruation is dehumanizing and erasing women. Some women feel that they are being erased when menstrual and women's reproductive health issues are not gendered. Some women feel like their voices are not heard when talking about issues that historically impacted women such as period poverty and period shaming. Some women are incredibly offended by the opinion that not everyone who gets periods are women. Some argue that we shouldn't change the language we used surrounding this topic given transgender and non -binary people make up a sliver of the female population and almost everyone who has a period is a cisgender woman. Understandably, some people may not be comfortable with menstruation being associated with women, for transsexual men periods can be an incredibly painful reminder they are female. Where I stand is it's important for us to keep in mind not every female indentify's with womanhood and some are transsexual men but I don't think we should change the language we use when talking about menstrual health given I find it's unintentionally hurting lots of women. We can include non binary females and transsexual men in the topic of female health without using genderless terminology. I find lots of period product packaging uses stereotypically feminine packaging that is pink and girly and understandably not every female is comfortable with that so there's absolutely a market for gender neutral period products.
Modern trans activism is harming transgender people. Acceptance of transgender people is on the downfall and my reason for this is outspoken trans activists with extreme views. Transgender people have fought decades to make it clear they aren't the same as cross dressers or drag queens, aren't acting out a fetish and how they are is a result of innate brain difference's out of their control. Transgenders should absolutely be accepted as ordinary members of society. It's okay to spread awareness about issues that impact the transgender community including discrimination when finding housing and jobs. What makes the transgender community hard to get behind now is it's poor messaging. Some outspoken trans activists want to break down society's structures, claim that transgender men are natal males, call people who wouldn't date a transgender person bigots and so on. Lots of people are turned off by that and get the idea every transgender person holds these radical beliefs. For transgender acceptance to happen the transgender community needs similar messaging to what the gay rights movement did. For example, the message behind the gay rights movement is yes, gay people are different than ordinary men and women but they can still be productive members of society , don't wanna take anything away from you and just wanna be able to live freely. Transgender activists need to stop making wild claims such as a transgender man is biologically male if they wanna be taken seriously.
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