Unban Request


New member
So i was banned back in november, and i take full responsibility for what happened but since my account was lifetime vip it doesnt get deleted and was just wondering if it was possible for the account to be unbanned. My in chat username was Krys, thxs very much for reading <3
So i was banned back in november, and i take full responsibility for what happened but since my account was lifetime vip it doesnt get deleted and was just wondering if it was possible for the account to be unbanned. My in chat username was Krys, thxs very much for reading <3
You’re a vip, and I’m pretty sure you bought lifetime vip, so you’d have to wait a whole year for it to delete. Ip will stay banned though, but account will delete.
I just checked and the IP is no longer banned it seems and I believe 3 months is punishment enough and since the history had nothing to do with anything p.e.d.o related I think the account should be unbanned now.

But the issue of harassing anyone or advertising any other chats or account sharing has to not happen again.

I will await a promise of that NEVER happening again before I make my final decision on this though.
mhm, i do. i dwelled on the decision to allow my friends to advertise the site since it led to me being both banned. I therfore take full responsibility on that part. the harassing, im not a fan of, i never intented to do so i just attempt to stick up for myself and it comes out in the wrong way. even im not unbanned thanks for reading the request c:
i let my brother on and i he my account banned thatwas not me im in 7 grade can you let me backin
Account sharing isn't allowed(rules say so), so therefore, you won't be let back in. You will be unbanned in a month though, so please wait patiently!!

Account sharing isn't allowed(rules say so), so therefore, you won't be let back in. You will be unbanned in a month though, so please wait patiently!!

The account was never banned by me or the site admin but yeah I would highly suggest not allowing anyone on your account
Hi I got banned for asking for money for nudes but I weren't doing it for bad I was catching predators I got a user that u need to ban as well loganjk23 he was one I was catching I was tricking the predators into leave me alone I'm not a bad person me and my friend catch predators together online I did not mean for this to happen I was doing good for the website btw loganjk23 was asking for my nudes he was asking to have sex with me and other disturbing things I told him I was 13