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Reason-not accepting someone as non binary and calling them a girl-
Did I know??? I only assumed at first- then I was told that she wasn’t- and then next thing I know I got kicked? So for the mod who kicked me- how did you know I was going to deny her being a non binary when you kicked me a second after I was told-


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I don’t even care that the kick is short- unless you can reasonably explain, remove this kick from my record.
Reason-not accepting someone as non binary and calling them a girl-
Did I know??? I only assumed at first- then I was told that she wasn’t- and then next thing I know I got kicked? So for the mod who kicked me- how did you know I was going to deny her being a non binary when you kicked me a second after I was told-
If you're still calling them a she, clearly the kick was deserved??
I’ve learnt a couple stuff actually, and I poked a lot of holes into this whole nonbinary thing
You’re not even respecting my gender, you are deliberately misgendering me when you have been corrected over and over again. You did not learn anything and it will remain that way until you apologize & respect my gender. Though I doubt that’s going to happen, maybe you’ll prove me wrong.
I’ve learnt a couple stuff actually, and I poked a lot of holes into this whole nonbinary thing
There's no "poking holes" in a thing that exists.

Go to Google Scholar, type in "Non-Binary," much smarter people have studies there for you to read if you're curious. :)
You’re not even respecting my gender, you are deliberately misgendering me when you have been corrected over and over again. You did not learn anything and it will remain that way until you apologize & respect my gender. Though I doubt that’s going to happen, maybe you’ll prove me wrong.
I would’ve apologized if you were more patient, but with the way you reacted I felt no more remorse
There's no "poking holes" in a thing that exists.

Go to Google Scholar, type in "Non-Binary," much smarter people have studies there for you to read if you're curious. :)
Yeah no I don’t think I’m that interested -first off, when I say I’ve poked holes into it I don’t refer to the whole nonbinary community or anything, I’m just referring to people who want to make such a big deal out of it because they are, I’m sure not all non-binary ppl are even this pronoun sensitive- it’s cool to be whatever you want, but once you make it such a protrusive thing about you it’s kinda obnoxious.
There's no "poking holes" in a thing that exists.

Go to Google Scholar, type in "Non-Binary," much smarter people have studies there for you to read if you're curious. :)
One thing is- when I spoke to someone and asked them what it all means (I already had an idea), they told me it’s having no gender- which is a sub-faction of the whole thing right? And that’s what they stuck with all the while I was speaking with them, it’s not belonging to any gender- okay then how can you be gay if you’re not male? How can you be a lesbian if you’re not a female? This just went on and on and it seemed like the actual definitions of these words were being ignored or sumth. This only even applies to agender people right?
but then apparently you can be bi-gender or let’s say gender fluid and be gay? Or lesbian? How does that work if you’re bi-gender and you identify as both, does that make you straight or gay? Or if you’re gender fluid and sexually attracted to girls does that mean you’re a part time lesbian? You see it’s not really the easiest thing for people to understand especially not for someone living in west Africa like me where these things are seen as something outlandish by many- just saying I could be a lot worse than you think I am, but also you guys could be a lot more patient and not take offense so easily just because someone used ‘she’ instead of ‘them’ especially when you really look like a girl.
For whatever it’s worth now though I’m sorry, but I still won’t be taking any **** from anyone just because of a little misunderstanding regarding their preferred pronouns.
my pronouns aren’t PREFERRED they ARE my pronouns. I don’t have a “preferred gender” that is my gender. I don’t need to earn your remorse when you were the one being transphobic to me. Just because you’re uneducated does not mean you need to be rude. And there you are again, saying I am a female just because I happen to look like one. Did you learn nothing? The definition of nonbinary is not just being girl nor boy it’s beyond the two ends of the spectrum. The definition of it is different for everyone so if you ask someone they might say “oh I feel like both” or “oh I feel like neither” or even “my gender feels different then any of those”. Either way, they all deserve respect when it comes to their identity. I find it quite stupid for people to say that the lgbtq community is “pronoun sensitive”, I mean, how would you like it if you were constantly referred to as a gender you know you’re not? It would be annoying right? Depressing even. But overall, you continuing to act disrespectful is just showing me more of your true colors. Hopefully one day you’ll learn to be more respectful of others but I don’t think that’s going to be today. Have the day you deserve ✨
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