
But the home page's 6th rule is You will refrain from giving out personal information to anyone including people you may think you trust.
How else do you get unbanned then? Kevin is trustable and won't share the info with anyone. Once Kevin does respond, he'll give you instructions on how.

How else do you get unbanned then? Kevin is trustable and won't share the info with anyone. Once Kevin does respond, he'll give you instructions on how.

But I don't think my parents will let me share the crtfcate or id on this site ..
How else do you get unbanned then? Kevin is trustable and won't share the info with anyone. Once Kevin does respond, he'll give you instructions on how.

And how do I get his answers u ban or kick me each time i get to use the site
I just got kicked again Why don't u atleast let me get Kevin's reply
STOP bypassing till you hear from the admin. If you continue doing this you won't ever be unbanned.

And as for showing him your id, bruh. Unless you do it, you'll stay banned. Plus if you don't trust this site with your personal info that's on you. The admin is trustworthy and you won't be the first to show ID. It's only to check your D.O.B.
Just private message him here when he gets on he'll reply.
I did that But I'm kicked now for 6 and ig it'd be bypass ban again?
You have been kicked out

You will be able to re-enter the chat after

Reason given
Kos - Bypassing ban as CuteNekoBoy from forums. "steven nz 13/06 23:17 ᴷⁱˡˡᵉʳ and you are bypassing ban too if you don't wait to get unbanned steven nz 13/06 23:17 Krystäl what will happen ᴷⁱˡˡᵉʳ 13/06 23:18 steven nz is it my fault that kevin didn't reply?
Show something with a birth certificate on. Anything else can be covered

you can dm me it