I cant seriously be permanently banned just because i corrected a censored word

I get that now. I didn't know I'd get permanently banned for it. As I said, I didn't know that would happen.

I legit dud nothing except try and compliment a boy by calling him sexy.
I legit dud nothing except try and compliment a boy by calling him sexy.
...Wait for the admin to reply. You chose to bypass that word knowing fully well you were breaking rules. It's his decision whether to unban you so I just suggest waiting till you hear from him.
I didn't know I was breaking the rules. Don't act like you know my actions. I even said I didn't know it would get me banned. I hadn't read the rules yet.

So no, I didn't know full well that I was breaking the rules as you seem to think.

But okay. I'll wait :)

Let's remind ourselves of your prior history and ban. You know fully well that being inappropriate and disgusting towards UNDERAGED users isn't allowed. You also have a history with bypassing censors to be a pervert. So lets cut the BS at least.
Yeah. Bring up my past and use it to make me look bad. I learned from all that. I was banned fir trying to tell a boy I thiught he was sexy.

That's what has happened today. Not months ago.
They are all kicked when they are reported or a mod sees it. As for you being innocent you knew the word was censored and bad so you bypassed and what you typed was in the filter so you got instantly banned. Like I said stop whining and playing the victim and wait for the admin to reply to you.
I already talked to her once, or she talked to me, we were getting to know each other and then she asked to Video chat on *****, first she insisted when I told her I didn't have *****, second I am only 11 yrs old to have *****, which is pretty logical to me. And having a such big history of kicks and also the reasons won't help you getting unbanned. You could've said another word than sexy like hot or beautiful or nice but not sexy though
Killing someone definitely isn't tbe same as saying a few naughty words that aren't allowed. I was just meaning to flirt and I took it too far.