I hate my life


Well-known member
Jesus Christ my life has been on a downward spiral ever since my suicide attempt back in January. My friend left, my Japanese gf pretty much dumped me and my first ever friend vanished without a trace. Now I’m stuck at my abusive mom’s apartment until august and I’m worried that I’m going to off myself
Jesus Christ my life has been on a downward spiral ever since my suicide attempt back in January. My friend left, my Japanese gf pretty much dumped me and my first ever friend vanished without a trace. Now I’m stuck at my abusive mom’s apartment until august and I’m worried that I’m going to off myself

First Thought

Listen, I personally have always disliked you ever since the first thread I posted (https://www.kidschat.net/forums/thr...-banned-mistake-fully-please-unban-tokyo.738/) and you made such a rude commentary. Ever since, I have thought you were kinda racist, lacked basic human decency, couldn't feel any human emotions, and were an asshole. I am not saying this to make you feel even worse about yourself even though, quite frankly, it wouldn't hurt a housefly. I know that you already feel that way.

On the contrary, I am saying that this is more than a perfect opportunity to make you feel like 💩 because I believe that everyone should treat everyone the way they want to be treated. Also, you were not so nice to me in the past, and even though I would be unpayingly making you feel worse about yourself. The fact of getting a sample of revenge, praying on your weakness, and treating you like a piece of 💩.

It just sounds so good to me unpayingly. Instead of taking this time to pray on your weakness, like a bear towards a rabbit. Treat you like the piece of 💩 I know you are. Throw away every last drop of human decency I have. Old me would have laughed and said, "Karma is a bitch." Add a little salt to the wound, be so insensitive, and go on with my happy life because I know you deserve everything and more.

Second Thought

For once, I am not going to take advantage of my enemy's weaknesses. Or even be like that towards you, even though rightfully with everything I own, I think you deserve it. In addition, not trying to get too personal, I have dealt with similar or harder situations. Given the best advice from personal experience, you have two options. You can either distract yourself from the problem or you can face it head~on. It is your choice.

Distracting Yourself from the problem

(1) If the problems or situations that you are dealing with are too hard, I recommend you distract yourself from the problem. Yes, you will have reminders of the problem when anything triggers it, but it is better than drowning yourself 24/7 with all the problems and hardships you are currently dealing with.

(2) Constantly remind yourself of the end goal that you're trying to reach.

(3) If you are still feeling suicidal or feel like the problem is too hard to bare, pray to a higher power that you believe in for help or guidance.

(4) Break down, cry, scream if you need to. You don't always have to be so strong. We are human and we are weak.

Deal with it head~on

If you are tired of the problem constantly happening to you, it is time to deal with it head~on. This is tough. It is you changing, seeing yourself at your weakest, forgiving yourself, forgiving the people who hurt you. Changing yourself so you can be more mentally happy.

Final Thought

Suicidalness is an on ~ going war between yourself. A person (yourself) who knows all your flaws, problems, mistakes, and more. You are fighting an enemy who knows all your secrets, imperfections, weaknesses, and the parts of yourself you would prefer to hide and you consider undesirable. The best thing every suicidal person needs is someone who understands, someone who is willing to love them despite their imperfections, someone to reminds them that their flaws are what makes them the person they love, and a therapist.

Even though I hate you, I am not going to throw rocks at you. What you need is therapy. Someone to tell you that you are not crazy because you want to end it all because life is too hard. I also advise you to focus on yourself and try to make new friends. It is clear that your last relationship traumatized you. Instead of doing typically what other people do (jumping into a new relationship traumatized), focus on yourself.

Even though I only got a glimpse of your life, with your mental health, I don't advise you to date. Considering how suicidal you feel when people you care about leave you, I don't recommend it. You should be mentally stable enough to the point where if someone leaves you that you care about, you're not going to think about killing yourself.

Abusive Parent

If your parent is abusive, try to avoid him as much as possible. I know you may consider this impossible, but try. Do everything that you can do to avoid any traumatic incidents. Stay in your room, get good grades in school, and respect her so she will have no reason to be abusive. You're smart, you will figure it out. If you need any more help, ask your friends on forms. I might dislike you, but if I know you need help, I will help you. Even I am not that vengeful. Good Luck!
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Just try and stay away from your mom as much as possible.. Other than that distracting yourself always helps, maybe get new friends and also reach out for help and support like with this thread. Once August comes it'll get better so just try and hold on until then.
Just try and stay away from your mom as much as possible.. Other than that distracting yourself always helps, maybe get new friends and also reach out for help and support like with this thread. Once August comes it'll get better so just try and hold on until then.
Just try and stay away from your mom as much as possible.. Other than that distracting yourself always helps, maybe get new friends and also reach out for help and support like with this thread. Once August comes it'll get better so just try and hold on until then.
You're always so helpful and like ~ minded
Ok, it's been about 2 and a half months. Hope you're doing better but if you're not I have a few ways to cope as someone that has been in/delt with similar situations.

Firstly, get some you enjoy the company of to talk to most of the time. Trust them and tell them if you honestly feel like ending it.

If you can't, then get a dairy of sorts. A simple notepad on windows 10 to a free app for your phone will do.

If you feel like harming your self flick your wrists and don't draw blood. Drawing blood is more dangerous than most think.
Ok, it's been about 2 and a half months. Hope you're doing better but if you're not I have a few ways to cope as someone that has been in/delt with similar situations.

Firstly, get some you enjoy the company of to talk to most of the time. Trust them and tell them if you honestly feel like ending it.

If you can't, then get a dairy of sorts. A simple notepad on windows 10 to a free app for your phone will do.

If you feel like harming your self flick your wrists and don't draw blood. Drawing blood is more dangerous than most think.
Damn.....that is helpful
Jesus Christ my life has been on a downward spiral ever since my suicide attempt back in January. My friend left, my Japanese gf pretty much dumped me and my first ever friend vanished without a trace. Now I’m stuck at my abusive mom’s apartment until august and I’m worried that I’m going to off myself
I have several questions for you dealing with the topic at hand. It depends if you're willing to be open about your feelings. Also if you're willing to be an open ~ book. Simply because of my curiosity. As I had said I dealt with similar experiences and still dealing with them now. No, I will not use the answers to my questions to pray on your weakness. I am just curious, love seeing people be human, admit their problems, and also love to I know that people " don't have it all". As if we're supposed to. As I previously said:

I have dealt with similar or harder situations.
Ever since, I have thought you were kinda racist, lacked basic human decency, couldn't feel any human emotions, and were an asshole.
I never thought of you as a person who "Don't have it all". I know that is a shallow mindset, to begin with, but I didn't have much to work with. Also First Impressions matter. It is completely up to you. I will not force you to say any information that you don't want to say. Also, I can't add more guidance from personal experience, be a shoulder to cry on, and be a free unpaid therapist. My private conversations are open it is completely your choice
Jesus Christ my life has been on a downward spiral ever since my suicide attempt back in January. My friend left, my Japanese gf pretty much dumped me and my first ever friend vanished without a trace. Now I’m stuck at my abusive mom’s apartment until august and I’m worried that I’m going to off myself
Avoid your mother like Tifa said, and think about happy moments. Personally, how I get away without making a suicide attempt is by listening to music and talking to people over here. Think about August. I think about 2023, the year where I'll finally be without my brother who is 17 and harassing me because I am 11 and the youngest in the family.