I don't have a problem with being banned, as long as I am banned rightfully. I was banned mistake fully. PLEASE UNBAN TOKYO

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ok well just bc they're a little immature doesn't mean you have to say those things. they didn't deserve that. and stop acting like a mini-mod that's not your job.
I am not mini-modding at all, you clearly don't know what that means. They weren't being "a little immature" they were being everything I called them and they deserved to be called it. No argument. Speaking of which, I'm done arguing. Thanks in advance for closing this thread, Kevin. Take care of yourself, Ophelia.
I am not mini-modding at all, you clearly don't know what that means. They weren't being "a little immature" they were being everything I called them and they deserved to be called it. No argument. Speaking of which, I'm done arguing. Thanks in advance for closing this thread, Kevin. Take care of yourself, Ophelia.
but they're probably like 11 or something while you're 18-
like can't you find a better thing to do than pick on people way younger than you????????
they didn't deserve that period.
Yeah true i gave her my response because she act like some pretentious little loser who thinks she can control everything and yes oph does make mistake and probably because of her mental state i cant deny that but if someone act like that? Telling everyone should respect them without any i dunno reputation or achivement? No just no its toxic and its unhealthy so lets all be civil and end this argument now (and like tifa said dont act like "im holier than thou" rosafari)
Yeah true i gave her my response because she act like some pretentious little loser who thinks she can control everything and yes oph does make mistake and probably because of her mental state i cant deny that but if someone act like that? Telling everyone should respect them without any i dunno reputation or achivement? No just no its toxic and its unhealthy so lets all be civil and end this argument now (and like tifa said dont act like "im holier than thou" rosafari)
stfu and stop telling me how i should and shouldn't act.
Yeah true i gave her my response because she act like some pretentious little loser who thinks she can control everything and yes oph does make mistake and probably because of her mental state i cant deny that but if someone act like that? Telling everyone should respect them without any i dunno reputation or achivement? No just no its toxic and its unhealthy so lets all be civil and end this argument now (and like tifa said dont act like "im holier than thou" rosafari)
Rosafari is the biggest example of the appeal to emotion fallacy lmao
stfu and stop telling me how i should and shouldn't act.
Look do i think oph made a mistake? Yes but does this mean tokyo can act like that? No had she presented her case normally and oph replies with less agitation this wouldnt happen but when she wrote "everyone should respect me" its just makes things worse and as for you? Look im just saying dont act "im holier than thou" because in here you might be okay but sometime those kind of action carries weight in the real world girl
Look do i think oph made a mistake? Yes but does this mean tokyo can act like that? No had she presented her case normally and oph replies with less agitation this wouldnt happen but when she wrote "everyone should respect me" its just makes things worse and as for you? Look im just saying dont act "im holier than thou" because in here you might be okay sometime those kind of action carries weight in the real world girl
This is the problem with modern day society: we can’t have nuanced takes anymore and so it’s either 100% on one side or 100% on the other
Look do i think oph made a mistake? Yes but does this mean tokyo can act like that? No had she presented her case normally and oph replies with less agitation this wouldnt happen but when she wrote "everyone should respect me" its just makes things worse and as for you? Look im just saying dont act "im holier than thou" because in here you might be okay sometime those kind of action carries weight in the real world girl
i don't understand what you're saying can you just shut the fûck up already?
Can someone summarize what happened here
basically, somebody got banned or something and apparently it was a mistake and a bunch of the people on the forums made fun of them so i'm calling them out but now everybody's angry at me for no reason
Well just like what kevin said it not the topic that is the problem it how it evolve and well this certainly does evolve in the wrong direction
basically, somebody got banned or something and apparently it was a mistake and a bunch of the people on the forums made fun of them so i'm calling them out but now everybody's angry at me for no reason
Not true, we were making fun of the fact that Tokyo was acting immature in her responses.
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