un-kick/ban my friend.


Active member
So, making jokes is against the rules? Lovely.
My friend got kicked because she made a joke.

And the word dilf isn't even censored. Maybe you should censor it or something, so people cannot use it if you hate it so much. Like, idk the other word in this reasoning. You censor milf but not dilf. Now that is actually stupid.


You guys should learn the difference between a joke and if they actually mean it. An example: guests use these words in an inappropriate way. Clearly and obviously. Yes, kick them.
But if someone makes a joke about it, don't kick them. Maybe. Or at least ask them if it is a joke.
It's fine to kick someone over it, but like, a strike? They deserve a strike, for a joke? No.
The "it's a joke" defense is starting to get old. Anyways, at least also provide us with the username. Who is your "friend" and why aren't they making the post.

A user who has reached ban level usually doesn't get lesser kicks. For example if you have priors of being inappropriate or offensive, you should know not to joke about stuff that could get you in trouble. And why is it acceptable for guests to be kicked for it but not your "friend"? lmao

I think there's stuff that needs to be explained, and it's better if we first see what the users history was before the kick.

"Milf" is censored so yes "dilf" should be too. Their meaning is inappropriate though, and this is a kids chat.
Thank you Tifa for having the audacity to say what was on all of our minds. I don't use these often but you deserve one. 👍
I see, so when we make a joke, should we always mention its a joke? Or just not make jokes at all. Sarcasm doesn't seem like it belongs in kidschat I guess
I see, so when we make a joke, should we always mention its a joke? Or just not make jokes at all. Sarcasm doesn't seem like it belongs in kidschat I guess
If you're gonna be inappropriate then definitely at least say you're joking. But even that won't guarantee you not getting kicked. Otherwise anyone could be a pervert or say inapp stuff and then whine about it saying "I said it was a joke".
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Oh it's woona lol.

And she hasn't been banned yet.
PS. I was trynna make it pretty.
wait why aren't they banned yet 😅 they got multiple strikes
Oh it's woona lol.

And she hasn't been banned yet.
PS. I was trynna make it pretty.
yeah i have 🤨