Safety comes first

Hey Kids!

Some of you may have heard or saw the new Leaving Neverland documentary on HBO recently.  There have been new and disturbing allegations against Michael Jackson regarding abuse of children.

Guilty or not guilty aside, I think it is important for us to repeat and stress the importance of safety when using our chat rooms.   We recommend you chat with others in the presence of a parent or guardian for the safest experience.  If you are unable to do so, we would ask that you take extra precautions and read our safety rules.

Never give out any personal information to anyone.  If anyone makes you feel uncomfortable please report it to a moderator or your local police.

The fact of the matter is, sometimes chat rooms are used for grooming purposes of young children.  No different than what Michael Jackson has been accused of.   Always keep safety in your minds first.

We hope you have a safe and happy chatting experience as always!

The Team


  1. Youth nowadays are spoiling themselves and others through social media. There’s really no point to this website as a whole as it ironically makes it easier for pedos to gain access to teens, despite moderation/LEA/etc.

    Instead, they ought to be educated and warned about compulsive use of the internet/social media. I personally don’t think people below the age of 16 ought to be on the internet at all unless they have parental guidence. The Internets effect on the mind can be destructive if said youth let curiosity gain the best of them. I’ve seen even adults ruin themeselves and others lives through it.

    And for the record I’m 18 and have ZERO interest in this site.

  2. I keep trying to make an account but it says “you have reach allowed registration try again later” I’ve tried for the past week

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